Friends are an important part of life, wouldn't you agree? I have been lucky over the years to develop some really good friendships. Some of them are no longer around either from health problems or moving or even death! One long time friend that I went to grade school and high school with died last year. One of my oldest friends that I met when I was twelve years old lives in FL now. We make it a habit to talk each week on the phone though. One week she calls me and the next I call her. In former years I made trips to FL and stayed with her for a week or two. The husband was so good about letting me go. He had to work and when I was taking care of my mother he even took over those duties while I was gone. I guess we can include the hubby in on good friends too. We actually met when I was fourteen and lived right around the block from where his family lived. During my years working I met several people that made a difference in my life. One of them I am still in contact with. In most cases when you leave a job and go somewhere else you lose contact but this woman stayed in touch. The reason I am blogging about this today is to speak of what real friendship is. When I was diagnosed with MS I lost some friends. There are actually people around that don't know how to interact with someone who has a physically challenging disease. Those people aren't real friends. The ones that remain in contact and visit and see no differences are the real friends. I am happy to say that I have some of those friends that no matter what have remained loyal. The other ones I realize were not really friends but an acquaintanceship so to speak. So like the picture above states, true friends are the rainbows in the storms of life. May you have those kind of friends.
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