Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Almost ready to quit

I am almost ready to quit blogging.  The reason is the blogspot has become so complicated for me to be able to post and get comments and I can't comment on others blogs.  What is going on?  

I took a fall a while back and boy it has taken a long time to get back to feeling better.  I am not there yet but I am feeling better now.  The fall was actually in the house and not out in bad slippery weather.  I managed to wreck havoc with my poor body in the house!  The doctor thinks besides the back problem I have chipped a bone in my pelvis so hurts.  On medication that makes me able get around.  I have had help from friends with bringing food in and the hubby has done a lot.  So I am just staying indoors and trying to recover.  I have learned a lesson though and will be very very careful moving around from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Lois I really think it is because you are using the google friend thing.
    I am glad to hear friends are helping you. Praying for you to get well soon.
